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      ABOUT US





私たちのポリシーは “教えるのではなく、ガイドすること”。















At Art n’ English studio all classes are taught by a native English speaker with Japanese language support from a Japanese National. We provide a warm and nurturing environment that allows all students to shine.


Our Teaching Philosophy is “to suggest rather than to describe.” Meaning, we see the role of a teacher as an assistant rather than a leader. Students are provided the opportunity to set their own goals, within a theme, and are aided in finding their own path to achievement.   


We provide classes for toddlers, older children and adults that encourage English language acquisition through Art and Craft projects. As we take a contextual approach to language acquisition, students can experience and use English whilst expressing themselves in an artistic format.   



        Stephen Charles Day


Hiya! I'm Stephen and I'm from a small town in Kent, England.

After graduating from Sheffield Hallam University, majoring in Fine Art: Sculpture, I moved to Japan in 2004. I started my life in Japan working for a very large company, but am much happier with the freedom I have in a smaller school.

I met Rieko in 2010 at a private Art school, and we have been a team ever since. I am always so excited to make new projects together. 

Since I became an Art and English Teacher for a small firm, I have always dreamed of opening my own place and was delighted to finally do so.

In the future I hope to keep discovering new things to share with children or the young at heart and plan to never grow-up.


イギリスの小さな町、ケント出身。シェフィールド ハラム大学 ファインアート専攻(彫刻科)を卒業後、2004年に日本にやってきました。日本に来て、まず大きな英会話学校で英語講師としてスタートしましたが、自由な環境で自分のスタイルが築ける小さなスクールの方が、自分に合っていると思いました。2010年にプライベートのアートスクールでりえこと出会ってから、今までずっと二人はチームを組み、次々と新しいプロジェクトを作ることを共に楽しんできました。アートとイングリッシュの講師となって以来ずっと、自分の理想とするスタイルのスクールを開くことを夢見てきて、それが今、アンイースタジオを設立し、夢が現実となりました。これからも新しい様々なことを子供たちと一緒に発見・共有し、いつまでもワクワクした子供心を持ち続けたいと願っています。


         Rieko Shimoda


霜田 りえこ

I was born in Yokohama, and love this city very much.

I graduated from Tama Art University and majored in Graphic Design. After graduating, I worked in a design company as a Graphic Designer until leaving to became an independent free-lance illustrator. As an illustrator I mainly illustrated for books and magazines. In 2008 I won the 6th annual Tully's book award, for my illustrated children's book "Yamada Bear and Me."

During this period I also began teaching Art to children at a private Art school, and have continued to do so ever since. After I began working as an Art teacher for children, I felt that I had found my true calling and began my next big adventure, co-founding my own school with Stephen in 2015. My dream is to continue teaching children into my twilight years, and make a new series of originaly illustrated children's books.


多摩美術大学 グラフィックデザイン科卒業。横浜で生まれ、千葉、神戸、東京を経て、愛する横浜に定住。大学卒業後、デザイン事務所にてグラフィックデザイナーとして勤務後、フリーイラストレーターとなる。主に雑誌、本の装丁・挿し絵などで作品を発表。2008年には『第6回 タリーズ ピクチャーブックアワード』でお客さま賞を受賞し、絵本『クマヤマダさんとわたし』を出版。全国のタリーズコーヒーショップにて好評発売中。フリーランスイラストレーターと並行して、2007年よりインターナショナルキッズアートスクールのアシスタントを始め、子供と絵を描く楽しさに出会い、天職を見つける。2015年よりアンイースタジオをスティーブと共に設立。おばあちゃんになるまで、アンイースタジオを続けることと、自信作の絵本を出版するのが目標。



        Kayo Sonoyama



Hi! I'm Kayo and I was born and raised in Yokohama.

I went to New Zealand 3 days after graduating from high school. While I was there, I went to a language school, stayed with a fantastic host mother and travelled all around. I stayed for 10 months and it was the a huge, life changing experience for me.

After that, I followed my dream and worked in the restaurant business which is something I'd always wanted to do. It's been more than 20 years and I'm so lucky to be able to do what makes me happy.

I love kids, especially since having my amazing daughter. She started to come to the studio when she was just 5, we both really love the studio and all the people here. I'm so happy to join the studio`s team and am excited to enjoy Art and English with you all!!









Call us: 090-7900-5475   /   /  横浜市中区石川町3-107  アンイースタジオ 

 アート イングリッシュ キッズ&アダルト カフェ 下町  Art   English   Cafe 元町


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